Shining Moments

Jan 4, 2013

Crash! The sound of shattering glass filled the air.

I turned my head to see what had happened.

There on the floor lay a million pieces of broken glass


there stood my youngest daughter looking at me with horror in her eyes.

Who has not been there

either as the one who has dropped something


as the other person,

the onlooker?

I’ve been both at various times in my life.

I’ve broken things


needing the grace and understanding of others.

I’ve also been the onlooker

needing to give grace and understanding.

Both places are hard.

Time stood still for a few seconds.

I glanced at the broken pieces

and my mind wandered back many years

to the time that my mom and I bought it.

Beautiful memories of holding the tall globlet etched with gold

and bearing a delicate Christmas design.

Yes, we bought one at a time until I had 4. It could not be replaced.


But then my eyes took in the pain of my daughter.

The surprise and sadness that she felt


in that instant I knew that she was more important than a million glass goblets.

Like the One Who continues to hold out His arms to me

I  stepped toward her and opened my arms to her.

In that precious moment I held her

whispering reassurances

wiping away the pain and disappointment

healing the wounds.

Glorious shining moments.

It’s a moment that I will long remember.

A time when I had a choice

and I stepped forward to give grace.

Who has not been there?

We are all beggers

needing His grace and forgiveness.

But for the grace of God

there go I think day after day.

No one is better than another.

We all are desperate for Him.

But He comes to us with outstretched arms

saying welcome home.

Let Him embrace you today

no matter what you’ve ever done.

There is nothing that can’t be forgiven and healed.

Goblets or children?

Which is more important?

The souls of people of all ages

are hungry for His grace and forgiveness.

Is there someone you need to forgive today?

His grace is sufficient. Always and always and always.

Receive it first

and then go out and pass it on.




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