Amidst all that glitters and sparkles in life
are woven golden threads.
Precious people
dear friends of my heart.
Many, many years ago when I was a first grade teacher
I was blessed to come to know a very special woman.
I admired her in many ways but most of all for her ability
to sweetly mother 5 growing boys.
I was privileged to teach one who just melted my heart.
Thank you, Mike!
He still has that special place in his first grade teacher’s heart.
Long after the school year ended
I kept in touch with this precious family.
They stepped into my life at key moments
in ways that I will never forget.
Always there to help and encourage
and to lend a hand of support and care.
Always with a kind word and praise to the Lord.
As a single mom they were still there
to love and care for our family of two.
Miss Amy became Noelle’s very special second Mommy
when I took evening college courses.
Bubbles and laughter. Cheese balls and Psalty.
I always knew that Noelle was well cared for in my absence.
Time kept marching along
and those 5 special boys grew into men with wives
and children of their own.
Today as I visited and looked at those dear faces
many of whom go way back in my life
I sensed again the greatness of God’s tender care through the years.
Golden threads
that shine with His Presence and Love.
“The Lord is my Shepherd. I shall not want.” Psalms 23:1
In a world that oftentimes leaves you hungry and longing for more
He places special people.
Faces that shine with the Light of His Presence.
Lives that continue to reflect His Purpose and Peace.
Yes, I’ll be thinking about our time together
for a long time. Hearing the laughter and the sounds of those voices.
Take time to be with those whose lives have touched yours, my friends.
Golden threads…
Sacred moments along the journey.
Thank you so much for today, Sharon! I was and am blessed by you three!
How kind of you to leave a comment here, Amy! Summer’s not too long away, is it?
Will always love you dearly…from 1st grade until now. Isn’t it amazing how our God knits hearts.