Shining Moments

Feb 13, 2013

Miracle baby turns thirteen tomorrow.

Yes, born on Valentines Day weighing 1 and 1/2 lbs in Russia,

Jenny continues to bless our family with her sweet spirit and tender heart.

But the biggest miracle is the change  in my own heart.

Ten years ago

as I prepared to adopt her

I faced many questions

and many  more fears.

A premature baby born in theUnited Statesis one thing

but to adopt a child

born that prematurely?

I spent hours on my knees

asking God for wisdom.

and consulting with doctors.

It all seemed risky. Flooded with doubts.

But God knew what He was doing.

A dear elderly friend of mine prayed with me through  this time

“With God ALL things are possible


                                  possible.” Matthew 19:26

But how did you know?  I’ve been asked.

How did you know that God wanted you to adopt her

to accept all the unknowns

challenges that very well might have drowned our little family?

No, He didn’t write it in the sky

and I heard no sounds or audible voices

But I did sense a strange peace within.

When I looked at the video I had been sent from Russia

that innocent little face

so guarded, so shy,

pulled at my heartstrings

so compelling.

I couldn’t imagine not moving forward to adopt her!

Sure, I had fears

walking by faith does not mean an absence of fears

but I kept moving forward anyway.

Valentines Day

celebrating her third birthday

our first birthday together.

Lots of challenges ahead

but knowing that the One Who led us to that point

will lead us all the way. Today I know that more  than ever.

What challenge are you facing today?

Facing fears? Battling doubts?

Look to Him to do more for you than you can ever imagine

for He is the God who loves to do what is impossible with men.






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