Shining Moments

Feb 18, 2013

The day dawns early here in Virginia

as we begin another week.

I find myself saying it again and again

“You can do it.”

Yes, you can complete the tough homework assignment

and you can do well on that Math Test.

You can climb that mountain

You can.

You can.

You can

if God is in it.

Our world easily falls into cheerleading everything and anything and anyone.

But nowhere in the Word are we told that the power is within us.

No, quite the opposite.

The power is in Him working in and through us.

With God all things are possible. (Matthew 19:26)

When the Spirit within says to climb that mountain

He gives the Power to do just that.

When Love says go

He enables us to do that.

Many times I hear of people who start strong

but then they are met with difficulties.

Discouragement creeps in.

Disappointment takes root.

Doubts taunt the mind of the one who at one time thought they knew.

Lean into the Heart of the One Who always keeps His Promises.

Step forward

not back.

The battle belongs to the Lord.

Yes, you can do it.

Surrender to His Will

allowing His to work through you.

Sense the flow of His Energy as you keep moving forward.

Focus on that moment of victory

crossing the finish line

walking the stage to get that diploma


coming back with a child in your arms

holding that book in your hands.

Faithful is He who calls you who also will do it. (I Thess. 5:24)

His love in my loving

His mind in my thinking

His life in me living

each and every day.


Join me for an exciting coaching event on Tuesday, February 19th at 6:30pm

if you are in the area. Call or email to reserve your place.






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