Shining Moments

May 1, 2013

After the cold, harsh Winter,

Springtime is so sweet.

I find myself gazing at the colorful tulips and azaleas

in wonder and gratitude. Remembering…

After a long illness and weeks of recuperation,

health is so precious

and renewed strength so appreciated.

And after long, difficult years of barrenness

holding your own child is amazing beyond description.

It’s as if those endless periods of agonizing in prayer

only weave more splendor to the answer

when it comes.

George Mueller learned the secret of prayer…

that persistence that knows the Giver


and refuses to stop praying

until deep within his spirit he knows the answer.

Time after time

God proved Himself faithful to Mueller

and to countless others.

Today, many years later,

God continues to hear our prayers.

He always will.

Let’s not become weary in praying.

Pray on

Pray on, my friends.

The answer is on its way.

Your Father

Who deeply knows your heartache

is working in ways you cannot see.

Months of struggle

through the seemingly endless winter season

make the sound of the rippling brooks

so precious.

I find myself standing and listening

drinking in the beauty.

My soul praising God for His tender care.

And those long days of weeping will

one day be turned to laughter and cheer.

Your God is faithful.

    But you O Lord are a compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger and abounding in love and faithfulness. Psalms 86: 15

No matter how you might feel today

no matter how long the wait

let’s remember

He is faithful.

Pray on!



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