We tend to see in life what we are looking for? Have you noticed.
Before making some changes in my diet I never saw certain items.
Silk, virgin olive oil,
Whole-wheat pasta, vegetable pizza.
Some pretty good tasting items are in our local food stores.
It’s also true in other areas.
We see what we are looking for.
If my mind is focused on the good, the honest, the lovely
(Philippians 4: 8) I am somehow drawn to see that all around me.
The contrast is also true.
If I am depressed and look out on our world with downcast eyes
I see even more reasons to be depressed.
We need to have a realistic awareness but always balanced by Truth.
Sorrow and sadness leads to joy
When placed in the Hands of our Savior
Problems and frustrations lead to patience as we surrender them
To the One Who loves us with an incredible Love.
We often hear the saying
April showers bring May flowers.
My dear friend, Bonnie Bruno shared this photo on Facebook today.
It shone with a radiance when I saw it and my soul rejoiced.
She has that rare gift of being able to take exquisite photos.
Check out her photos at
As I gazed at this photo my heart remembered
times of sorrow
and sadness
times when tears flowed and spirits sagged
But He knew it all.
In His time and way He brought forth flowers where there had been none.
In His Presence is fullness of Joy. (Psalms 16:11)
Let Him reveal Himself to you in ever deeper ways
No matter what the season of your life.
Look for Him
Who surrounds us with thousands of shining moment every day.
Remember, you are loved with an everlasting love
And underneath are the everlasting arms!
awesome reminder to see and feel the joy, look for those moments in life, and to trust.
Yes, His Love is everlasting. Thanks for writing!