Shining Moments

May 15, 2013


Just suppose you could do more than you think you can…

Just suppose there was a plan for you to still climb mountains

and walk on waters


you did not know

because you did not believe.

Belief is key to all what we experience in life. Believe in the One and Only One.

I remember well sitting on the floor of my living room

spinning the globe and praying.

“Wherever you want me to go, Lord, I will go.”

No questions asked

I only wanted to be in His Will.

A few weeks later my paperwork was all ready for me to travel toGuatemala.

Adoptions were going smoothly there.

It should not be difficult to find a little girl who needed a mother.

I was excited as I prepared to travel.

But right before I was to go

there was a phone call from my adoption facilitator.

That evening she stopped by my home and showed me a picture that would change my life.

A precious little baby girl with big brown eyes.

I instantly fell in love.

“She’s inRussia,” I was told.

So immediately I worked to get all my adoption paperwork done forRussia.

Lots of work.

Hours of times

but it was all worth it.

That day that I held my little girl for the first time is engraved in my heart for always.

“Wherever you want me to go I will go, Lord.”

Once more I read those words and they speak a call to me.

Now unto Him who is able to do exceedingly abundant above all that we ask or think,

according to the power that worketh within us.” Ephesians 3:20

The desire within my heart twenty years ago

stirred my belief in the One Who always does more than we can ask or think.

But just suppose I hadn’t stepped out in faith?

Just suppose I hadn’t done that work so that it would become a reality?

Jesus is the same

yesterday, today and forever.

He doesn’t change.

The One Who continues to lead me to trust Him when I cannot see

still whispers of needs.

The Light within continues to press upon my heart

that there is more, always more.

Where will that lead?

I am not sure.   But one thing I know….

He is faithful and true.

There’s a song deep in my heart that sings of His Love and Power.

God’s heart beats passionately for the poor, the widows, orphans,

the downcast, the sick, the weak.

Does mine?

So, just suppose you really could walk on water

because you can because of His Power within

what would you do?

Not everyone is called to adopt.

Not everyone is called to go.

But right there where you live

what would you do

in His Name?

Let’s stretch our hearts in faith together.

Will you join me?



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