Simple prayers.
From as far back as I can remember I longed to hold my own little baby in my arms.
I loved playing with my dolls imagining that marvelous day when I would rock
my own sweet smelling infant.
Nothing, absolutely nothing seemed to compare to that anticipated joy.
I prayed believing that one day, oh one day
the gift would be mine
But the years came and went
and that dream remained unanswered.
Waiting can be so difficult, can’t it?
One birthday after another
still trusting
still praying
but that longing stayed strong within my heart.
Then one day as I prayed
I sensed a difference.
There was peace and quiet within.
My spirit knew the difference. For whatever reason I didn’t need to pray
for that any longer. I jotted that date in the margin of my Bible.
Suddenly my life took a different turn
and I clung on for dear life.
Shattered dreams. Broken pieces all around.
As I slowly began to pick myself up I heard that faint familiar song in the distance.
Yes, Jesus loves me.
Yes, Jesus loves me.
Yes, Jesus loves me
for the Bible tells me so.
Not based on feelings or waves of emotion.
The simple truth. John 3:16 truth.
For God so loved ________
I knew that my name was included there unworthy as I am.
So I wrapped my heart around His promise and embraced His Faithfulness and Grace.
Within months I walked into that stark orphanage inRussia
and met
and held my beautiful daughter for the first time.
Glory moments all around.
Softly singing to her Jesus loves me as I rocked her in my arms.
Big chocolate eyes looking up at me as if to try to figure out if I could be trusted.
Six months old of sweetness and life.
God’s precious gift.
Simple trust
Simple prayers.
Never could I have been happier.
Floods of joy as I checked that penciled date in my Bible
with the date of her birth.
Answered prayer. Nine months. Waves of wonder.
Today as I look at her
so full of life and loveliness
my heart remembers His gift and how He prepared me for her.
Emptied of myself
and my own ways
but relying totally on Him.
Grateful for each precious moment of her life
and always knowing that she is His.
Twenty years old and full of sunshine and beauty
with her heart opened to His Will and Ways.
Our lives woven together for a purpose much bigger than we can see.
In His Time
In His time
He makes all things beautiful in His times.
Always and always and always.