God continues to work behind the scenes every day to provide for you
to provide for me.
Years ago when I was preparing to adopt as a single
many folks raised questions.
“How are you going to raise a teenager?”
I don’t know.
“How are you going to manage working and also raise a child?”
I don’t know.
“Just suppose she get’s really sick, how in the world will you afford that?”
I don’t know.
No one had to remind me of my weaknesses and limitations.
My trembling heart and knocking knees gave visible evidence to that.
But my faith wasn’t about me
or my limited, very meager resources
It was
and always has been about Him and in the King of kings.
Going against all my previous ideas of how I’d become a mother
I followed the Cloud
halfway around the world
and discovered that He is more than we can ask or think.
He is Faithful.
My faith was in the One Who called me
and who whisper to my fainting heart, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart.”
Today when I look around my table
I see two precious daughters whom I would never have known
if I had not followed Him
by faith.
Sometimes in the dark of the night I wonder
what life would have been like
I had not followed Him?
Oh, what joys I would have missed.
Faith is a gift God gives to those who know and believe in Him.
It’s living not by feelings or emotions
but with confidence in Him as revealed by the Spirit and the Word.
Is your faith being challenged today?
Keep your eyes focused on Him.
Our trust is that no matter how things might look to us
God is working. He knows and sees all.
And His love wraps all our failings and mistakes with cords of red
transforming them into opportunities of growth and gold in our lives
Along with the hymn writer
our trembling hearts say
My faith looks up to Thee.
May Thy rich grace impart
Strength to my fainting heart
My zeal inspire.
As Thou hast died for me
O may my love to Thee
pure, warm and changeless be
a living fire.
Every faith stretching moment becoming another step to show our love for Him.
always trusting, my friend,
that the One Who calls will provide our every need.
Let’s keep pressing forward!