Words of comfort in a world where challenges abound.
“Take heart. I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33)
It was as if He knew that we would grow weary and become discouraged.
He knows how life can throw so much at us at once.
The unexpected bill.
The unexpected problem.
The unexpected doctor’s word.
Heart-shaking moments;
Over our head times when we desperately realize our need.
I look at my meager resources and shake my head.
“Take heart,” He whispers. “Take heart, weary pilgrim.”
It is so easy to believe
when everything is going smoothly.
When there is food on the table and a roof over our heads.
Yes, it’s easy to believe when we think we are managing life, our health is good,
but that only lasts for a season.
Goliath size problems abound
and when one is coming our way
that’s when we must stand firm.
“Take heart. I have overcome the world.”
Don’t you simply love those words. He has already overcome for us.
He is the Answer to every problem that we may face.
Jesus whispers hope because He not only knows our need
He has already prepared to meet that need.
“Come to Me,” He gently speaks, “and I will supply all your needs.”
No stress. No anxiety. No wringing of the hands.
Just coming to Him
instead of away from Him.
Open hands and hearts for Him to fill.
Trusting that He is all that He says He is and more.
Wherever you are today
you can take comfort in His Promises.
You can depend upon Him
the One Who has already overcome the world and all its problems.
Thank you, Lord, for giving me another opportunity to see your faithfulness.
My prayer is that you will be filled with Peace today
in knowing the One Who continues to whisper, “Take heart, I have overcome the world.”