Before I was born but still remembered by some.
I listened as my Dad spoke about it trying to imagine him in his army uniform
21 years old
so young
160,000 Allied troops landed along a 50 mile stretch of heavily fortified
French coastland.
to fight the Nazi Germany on the beaches of Normandy,France.
Reading the quote by General Eisenhower speaking of the invasion as
a crusade in which
“we will accept nothing less than full victory.
The D-Day cost was high
more than 9,000 allied soldiers were either killed or wounded.
The cost of victory.
My Dad came home
eventually married my mother
giving birth to me a few years later.
“I’m glad that you lived,” my youngest said upon listening to him share his D-Day story.
“Where would I be?”
My heart often wanders back in history
Wondering where any of us would be
if there had not been great sacrifice
so that we might live free.
The price of freedom is high.
We will accept nothing less than full victory.
It is only with that kind of commitment
that victory is ever won.
In our personal lives let there not be mediocre attempts
and faint hearted efforts to succeed.
No, rather let there be that laser focus
that wholehearted surrender to God
that declares “I will accept nothing less than full victory….
With that kind of determination
We too will see results.
The Truth will set you free. John 8:32
He always does as we surrender our lives over to Him. Everything changes.
Freedom at last bringing
Life changing results that will impact the lives of generations after us.
Giving shining moments to many
Lighting up our world with victory.