and I inwardly scribbled down the words
on my heart so that I not forget.
Time is love.
So very true.
In a world the quickly flits from one activity to another
from one relationship to another
from one place to another
Spending time together is an uncommon practice.
But time is love.
Years ago when I was a first grade teacher
Some children would share
Often with trembling lower lips
and faltering speech
sometimes with tears in their eyes
how much they longed to have time with a parent.
But there were always reasons
jobs, other commitments, sports, hobbies
But for children
time is love.
For all of us
time is love.
Ask me how I know if someone cares
and I will look at how much time they willingly spend with me
Not time that is forced
using guilt
or pressure of any kind
but freely choosing to spend time
making that person a priority.
We read those words
God is love (I John 4:8)
and scarcely can fathom the immense truth.
and then the most personal words
God so loved the world. (John 3:16)
and my heart skips a beat with pure joy, overflowing wonder,
filling in my name and your name and everyone’s name.
We are loved with an everlasting Love. (Jeremiah 31:3)
I can not grasp it but I believe His Words for you and for me.
Like standing before the wide ocean I glimpse the truth but know there is more
So much more.
God’s love reaches out to spend time with us.
Listen, I am with you always. (Matt. 28:20)
His Presence continues to abide with us
in ways we can hardly fathom.
So today I am with my oldest daughter
Shopping for little things
all the while chatting and laughing
Nibbling fritos bbq twists
Just enjoying being together
And I realize again how richly blessed I am
to share these moments.
I wouldn’t trade them for anything.
I can write that book later
There will be time for that another day
But for today
Time is love.
Cherish the moments
Open our eyes and help us to see
Your Love encircling us
Constantly drawing us into a deeper relationship.
Time is Love.
All too soon the moment is passed.