The first step.
The first word.
Her first tooth.
Her first airplane ride.
Her first day of kindergarten.
For with each first I saw glimpses of the young woman she was becoming.
I saw her independence. That glorious ‘I love Jesus so much’ spirit.
And I quietly praised God
and thanked Him for this high and holy calling.
Her first sleepover. Her first time at camp.
That first call home excitedly telling me that she was having a grand time.
Her graduation from preschool
to fifth grade and then high school.
Sigh. The time goes by so quickly. Savor the moments.
Her first pair of glasses.
and then contacts.
Then getting her ears pierced while holding that smudged and wrinkled
index card with those familiar words of faith
‘I can do all things through Christ Who strengthens me.’ Phil. 4:13
Giggles and smiles.
Shouts of joy.
Fast forward to high school.
Youth groups and jobs.
Dogsitting and caring for children. Learning and laughing.
Growing more confident with each step of the journey.
Bible well-worn and favorite verses marked.
God’s grace so evident
Sometimes confident
Sometimes with fear but always going forward.
First laptop
First acceptance to college.
First year started with apprehension and questions.
First year completed. More celebrations and cheers.
we all experience them.
Oftentimes with others cheering us wildly along the way.
We all know that life is filled with challenges
but cherish those firsts.
Don’t take any of them for granted.
Get out the special dishes and crystal
Light the candles and have ice cream.
Moment by moment He’s promised to walk with us.
Listen to His cheers over you
Catch the beauty of His singing
as He celebrates your accomplishments.
Let the wonder of His Love surround you with special love notes.
And if by chance you know someone who is experiencing a first today
join with them in celebration.
It’s a never to be repeated achievement!
This mother’s heart is overflowing
to be able to once again
celebrate another ‘first’.