like when you call someone’s name and do not hear an answer
or you call them on your cell phone
only to be directed to voice mail again and again and again.
Silence can be difficult when you await that lab report
or to speak with a doctor
or an police man.
Silence can be scary and disturbing to your peace.
But silence can also be peaceful.
I found it so last night.
Although I usually sleep well at night
I woke about 4
and tiptoed downstairs so as not to awaken anyone else
And there in the dark living room
in the deep silence
I sat and
Yes, I poured out my heart to the One I knew was awake.
As I prayed my heart felt strangely lifted,
at peace
When I opened my eyes I saw the sky in the east beginning to grow lighter.
Morning was coming.
Knowing that a full day lay before me I quietly crept up the stairs
and crawled into bed to catch a few more winks.
and yet a different silence.
A calm peaceful silence
filled with the knowledge that my God was at work.
Providing and
Lighting the Way before me
No more wandering in confusion.
No, He had given His sweet assurance that everything was under His control.
Silence can speak different things to all of us.
But let your heart remember that He works in the silences of life
When we see no change
and we hear no news
and it appears that after all our prayers are in vain.
He works for you
in Love.
People may let you down
But Jesus changes never.