by SharonBrani | Jan 15, 2020 | Inspirational, Life Coaching, Strengths
The cries of lonely, grieving people are heard on every street and every corner My heart breaks for those who are hurting; I weep with those who weep...
by SharonBrani | Jul 17, 2019 | fear and anxiety, Inspirational, Life Coaching, Strengths
I couldn’t be at a more aesthetic setting. A gentle breeze blowing my hair. The smell of sea air and the sound of happy voices. Voices of young and old enjoying the ocean in July. The sun shines bright warming the beach and giving all a one of a kind day. It’s not...
by SharonBrani | Jan 31, 2017 | Adoption, Inspirational, Life Coaching
I remember it like it was yesterday. Sitting in the small room in Kiev. Surrounded by many baby girl things. Little pink overalls. A matching pink sweater. Tiny pink shoes. Delicate socks. And more…. And all I could think was “That’s it.” After all the hard work of...
by SharonBrani | Jan 26, 2017 | Uncategorized
“Good morning, Miss Brani.” My heart beat with joy and instantly I was carried back years and years ago to a time when I sat at my desk and greeted my first graders each school day. Smiles and laughter. Giggles and a chorus of voices. Moments that I will treasure...
by SharonBrani | Mar 25, 2016 | Inspirational, Life Coaching
How do you get quiet enough in our noisy, fast paced world to experience Easter? While all of nature seems to have come alive outside my window my heart longs to watch with Him to wait with Him to stand with Him. Not out of obligation or duty. Certainly not because...