In order to increase your energy in life it is important to have times of play. Times when you can just let your hair down and laugh play like children.
We never outgrow the need. But all too often adults develop a habit of work, work, work.
Slowly our energies dwindle, our mood grows heavy, and the light goes out of our eyes.
You’ve been there and so have I. Research shows the negative impact of constant work on the human body.
So what can you do to reverse this deadening tendency?
Have you ever noticed how just a few minutes of play changes the way you feel?
If you have children or grandchildren, take a few minutes with them and really play. They will love it and you will feel better as a result.
Years ago we used to set up a mini gym in our living room. The girls and I would somersault off the chairs and onto the floor. Giggles and cheers filled the air especially when they saw me do it. If you don’t feel comfortable doing that how about catching lightning bugs, dancing in the rain, making shadows on the wall, blowing bubbles, board games, hop scotch, etc.
There are so many ways to play. The ideas are limitless. Ask a child? They’ll tell you how.
So make some time to play today. It doesn’t have to take long or cost any money. Just play.
Well, I’m off for a walk in the rain. How are you going to play?