From the moment I saw this interview my attention was captivated.
What was it?
Her age? Well, that certainly did get my interest but there was more.
Her piano playing? Hmm, being a pianist myself I immediately was drawn into her
Message? Her secret to happiness as you get older.
Smiling helps a lot.
Not complaining.
Intentionally focusing on the good.
Refusing to complain.
Everything is gift.
My thoughts wandered back to treasured words I’ve long held in my heart.
“Be careful for nothing but in everything give thanks.” (Phil.4:6)
“Whatsoever things are true and honest and pure……think on these things.”(Phil.4:8)
“”Be thankful in all circumstances for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.” (I Thess. 5:18)
The gem of Truth shone through her words. In a world that all too easily complains and
gets bored she sees the gift in the midst of it all.
My heart is uplifted this morning. How about you?