There Is Always Hope But It Doesn’t Always Happen

Jul 21, 2022

What do you do when you’ve prayed and prayed but God says no?

You don’t get the answer you’ve prayed for….

Your loved one doesn’t get well….

The house is foreclosed on and in spite of all you do

the miscarriage happens

and you are left disappointed, empty and broken hearted.

Although our faith tells us that nothing is impossible with God

and He can do anything.

I remember singing with abandon

My God is so big

so strong and so mighty

there’s nothing my God can not do.

We know the truth. There is nothing our God cannot do.

But still there are times that it doesn’t happen. Apparently God says no

and we are left to wrestle with questions much too big for us.

First, let’s cling to the truth. Our God loves us with an everlasting Love. He sees and knows and cares.

Let’s let nothing shake our confidence in our God.

Second, let’s remember that God’s ways are higher than ours. Even though we walk through the valley of the shadow of death we will fear no evil (Ps 23:4) When we experience trials and pain, we don’t need to fear. God is with us. That doesn’t mean that things will turn out the way we hoped or prayed. But it does mean that we are never alone. Never. God is with us.

Lastly, when things don’t turn out the way we’d hoped it doesn’t mean that God is too weak, or absent, or busy. It means that He is walking with us through the roughest of times knowing our great disappointments. He has promised that everything that happens to His child He will use it for good and for His Glory.

We might always have questions – I certainly do- but we can grow in confidence that whether we see it or not, whether we understand or not, God is to be trusted and He will use every tear, every pain, every suffering He will use in the life of the one who loves Him. I don’t know about you but that gives me tremendous comfort. Behind the scenes God is working. Let that sink deep within your soul, my friend.


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