Walking on Water Today

Sep 12, 2013

2108_1036461988186_5311_aI’ve longed for a walk on water faith from as far back as I can remember.

Yes, I have wanted to be able to be put in that dungeon with hungry lions and like Daniel,

not flinch.

Yes, I have longed to be able to walk up to my giant with a strong faith

only to see him crumble at my feet.

Or if only I could have the faith that confidently walks around Jericho only to see its walls fall crashing down.

But I my knees always knocked in fear

and my hands shook when faced with conflict.

No, it wasn’t until I began to change my focus that things began to change.

Instead of gazing at the enemy

I began to upon His Power.

Instead of measuring the thickness of those Jericho walls and counting the number of teeth in the lions’ mouths

I realized His Greatness.

Instead of running the other way

I learned to take steps toward my fear.

What a difference that began to make in my life.

Fear is a monster that grows in power the more we focus upon it.

What if?

What if?

What if? Heart-pounding anxiety, stomach-clenching dread.

But for every fear we have

there is an answer.

Do you long for a walk on water faith?

Turn your focus upon the One Who loves you with an everlasting love.

Realize that He is more than enough to handle every problem you face,

every difficulty that arises.

every crises that comes your way.

And get out of the boat.

It’s the only way you’ll ever know that He will do for you what He has done for others.

Join me, won’t you, in developing a walk on water faith?


You are not alone.






  1. Kathy

    So thankful we are not alone! Thank you, Sharon, for such wonderful words of encouragement!

    • SharonBrani

      Thank you, Kathy, for leaving a comment today. Yes, knowing that we are not alone changes everything. Alone, we tremble assessing our own resources.
      With Him, we have everything we need to face our fears and gain victory. Cheering you on today!


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