Living like a sheep can bring tremendous peace of mind.
The Shepherd by his very nature provides for all the needs of his sheep.
All the needs.
Yes, living like a sheep can be so peaceful.
But all too often we become dissatisfied with the Shepherd’s care
Or become fearful that He will not provide for us.
Or will let harm come to us.
We look to have our wants and oftentimes all of our needs met
in just the way we want them to be met.
Like cranky toddlers we fuss and cry
insisting on our own way.
But The Shepherd by His very character cares for His sheep.
He is willing to lay His very life down in protecting them.
He gives them rest and refreshment as needed.
He feeds them from His very own nail-scarred hand.
And those sheep love their Shepherd and follow Him.
Following the Shepherd brings peace.
Life might sometimes bring great sorrow and loss.
Unexpected tragedies might come our way.
But we can always trust the Shepherd.
He knows what is best for His sheep.
As long as the sheep follow the Shepherd all their needs will always be met.
Do you ever worry that the Shepherd might withhold something from you?
But could it be that your focus has shifted to your want rather than to your Shepherd?
Instead of gazing into His eyes your attention is fixed on something or other?
Yes, we’ve all been there haven’t we?
But the psalmist believed that the Shepherd would supply all of his wants.
Every. Single. One.
And with that trust he rested in the care of his Shepherd
And so can we.
Have you lately been missing the joy
that comes from resting in the care of the Shepherd?
Don’t wait one second more.
Return to Him today.
He sees. He knows. He cares.
Living like a sheep can bring tremendous peace of mind.
Great blog! Great reminder..
Thank you so much for reading and leaving a comment. What an encouragement!! Keep pressing forward following the Shepherd.