What To Do When Your Life Is On Empty

Jan 27, 2014

snowy days 6When the winds of life blow hard and the waves rise higher

it is tempting to become afraid. But no matter what the circumstances

all around and deep within

He is there.

Yes, when life spins into crazy and you wonder what will happen next

that is the very time

to sink down into His comforting Presence

and let Him hold you close.

Every storm is another opportunity to trust.

Every wind gives us a chance to draw even closer to Him.

I like certainty

and knowing what tomorrow holds or at least having a teeny idea.

But He often whispers to me just one word – trust.

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart

and lean not on your own ideas.”  Proverbs 3:5,6

But all too often I discover a serious weakness in my trusting

and I am driven to ask Him to help me to trust.

That is when I begin to sense a difference –

when He raises me above my own capabilities

and fills me with His Strength.

When out of sheer weakness I fall at his Feet

only to find that He is greater than all my needs

greater than all my pain

and greater than all my fears.

A strength rises from deep down inside

a hope shines forth knowing that everything is going to be ok

an inner peace is evident that is beyond my words to explain or describe.

No matter where you are today

or what you are facing

nestle down into His Love.

He cares for you!

And His Love will never let you go.



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