You Are An Overcomer

Feb 23, 2017

Keep calm.


Breathe deep.

You are an overcomer as you put your trust in Him.

Whatever you are facing now

is small

compared to our God.

Whatever you are fearful of

is puny

compared to our God.

those thoughts that come

those  critical voices you hear

saying that you are not enough

you will never be enough

are lies.

All lies.

Quiet yourself and breathe in His Promises.

He has promised to never, never leave you

and you can count on Him.

So arise today.

Stand tall and face your fear.

Remember who you are – an overcomer.

And most of all,

Remember who He is.

The Great and Mighty God – your Defender, Provider,

and constant Strength.

He doesn’t change the way people do.

No, He is for you

and because He has already overcome

you have too.

It’s time to praise the Lord and dance for joy.

The victory is yours.

heaven on earth


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