Shining Moments

Shining Moments

We pushed back the dishes from our adoption celebration and began to share stories from the past. My heart was warmed as I heard my daughters laughing and talking about special times. I feel so privileged to have a part in God’s awesome Plan and to watch it unfold...

Shining Moments

Yes, we need a special cake decorated with swirls and twirls representing my joyous feelings. It’s time to celebrate Noelle and Jenny’s adoption and my heart wanders back to those two special red letter days when God placed them in my life. Adoption had not been in my...

Shining Moments

As I checked in at the hotel that day my thoughts were centered on all the fun my girls and I would have. Swimming, movies, delicious breakfast, and on and on. Never would I have dreamed that it would end in disappointment with us going back home again that very day....

Shining Moments

Snow. Just the sound of it sends excitement through me. Yes, from the time I was a little girl  growing up in the Catskills of New York I’ve had a love affair with snow. We’d walk back and forth to school No matter how deep the snow. Stumping it with our boot covered...

Shining Moments

It has been said that it is darkest before the light. And although this might not scientifically be true it serves as encouragement to those who are struggling with helplessness and hopelessness. I’ve also heard folks say that if it is dark turn on the light; do...