Shining Moments

Shining Moments

The moment I saw her picture my heart beat strong within me. I’ll never forget it. Her eyes, I thought. She needs to smile. The gaze that stared back at my from the photo was flat and empty. From that moment on I was determined to find her and make her mine. An...

Shining Moments

My thoughts wander back to the children in orphanges all around the world.  I remember those days when I spun the globe saying “anywhere, anywhere I am willing to go.” The Lord led me to Russia where I adopted not one but two precious girls. My life has...

Shining Moments

It was only as I stepped out on something beyond myself beyond my own abilities and strengths that I began to really see God’s faithfulness. I had always expected to be a mother always dreamed of holding my own little, sweet smelling infant, but when life did not...

Shining Moments

Miracle baby turns thirteen tomorrow. Yes, born on Valentines Day weighing 1 and 1/2 lbs in Russia, Jenny continues to bless our family with her sweet spirit and tender heart. But the biggest miracle is the change  in my own heart. Ten years ago as I prepared to adopt...
Shining Moments

Shining Moments

The moment I laid eyes upon it I knew that it was special. An extra soft, pink baby blanket. Even as I bought it that Saturday so many years ago I pictured myself covering my little baby girl with it. Little did I realize how special that blanket was to become. I...