Shining Moments

Sometimes it seems that I can almost hear that sound     though its been many years. Pages being turned. Book jackets being removed. Book upon book upon book. She was two just turning three when I adopted my youngest daughter     from Russia. It had been a long       ...

Shining Moments

It’s the first day of summer. And my mind wanders back         Way back to summers of long ago.  Lemonade stands        long afternoons at the pool                and flavored ice cubes. My favorite were the grape flavored ice cubes. Oh they were sooo good. On a...

Shining Moments

Many years ago when Noelle was very young  I longed to take her to see the ocean. It had been a while since I had gone and a trip  to Maine was completely out of the picture. But Virginia and North Carolina have some delightful beaches so I decided to take her to Nags...

Mourning’s Not Forever

Nothing could have surprised me more than to discover that Elsie, Jenny’s pet hamster, had died. A few hours before she had been playing with her ball and apparently fine. But then we found her lifeless at the bottom of her cage. Now when you are 12 and this is your...


It’s been a strange week. An earthquake on Tuesday left my daughters and I rattled and unnerved. Along with straightening pictures and sweeping up glass from the cherished broken crystal glasses we also sought ways to relax again in our home.  Relax?  “I always...