by SharonBrani | Jan 26, 2017 | Uncategorized
“Good morning, Miss Brani.” My heart beat with joy and instantly I was carried back years and years ago to a time when I sat at my desk and greeted my first graders each school day. Smiles and laughter. Giggles and a chorus of voices. Moments that I will treasure...
by SharonBrani | May 15, 2014 | Inspirational, Life Coaching
Early this morning I laced my running shoes and took to the roads. The wind blew hair freely and I began to think and pray as my feet hit the hard pavement. One step after another back and forth an ordinary day and an ordinary run. But all of a sudden as I rounded the...
by SharonBrani | Jan 13, 2014 | Inspirational, Life Coaching
In a world that pulsates with troubles and trials is there any peace to be found? Or somehow has peace – the essence of true peace – disappeared? I remember like yesterday the day that I received that phone call telling me that my mom had had a stroke. For the next...
by SharonBrani | Sep 10, 2013 | Inspirational, Life Coaching
From as far back as I can remember, I have been afraid. Afraid of the big dog that lived by my girl friend’s house. Afraid of the new class of students that stared at me as I stood at the door on my first day of school. Afraid of the new teacher. How long would it...
by SharonBrani | Aug 21, 2013 | Inspirational, Life Coaching, Parent Coaching
“Be sure that you know how each of your students gets home,” we were told on the first day of school. It was essential. Some children were picked up. Others rode the bus. A few rode the bus to a childcare facility. And although when the children got off the bus in the...