It Seems Like Yesterday

It seems like yesterday that I traveled to Russia to adopt my daughter. I can remember that special time in Russia, the sights, the people in vivid color. It seems like yesterday that I brought her home and began the journey of single parent. Yes, like yesterday. It...

When You Hear That It Has To Go

Cut it out! Get rid of it! Throw it away! And gradually the pumpkin was transformed into a beautiful jack o’ lantern. We placed the candle inside the empty pumpkin, lit it and suddenly the jack o’ lantern shone with brilliance that lit up the whole room. Oohs and ahhs...

I Just Couldn’t Go On

I just couldn’t go on. It was pouring rain outside. Yes, it was a warm rain but it was literally pouring. On  my drive home from the office today I saw an elderly man walking. Holding a red umbrella, bent over walking , trudging  through the heavy rain. I just...

When You Can’t See Anything

Shining moments – I know they are there..all around us if we look But lately the cloudiness of our world- the news, and recent deaths and heartaches more than the actual cloudiness of this day block my ability to see shining moments. I looked at the blank page longing...