Me? Anxious?

As I sat down in my seat on that huge jet that night more than twenty years ago waves of sickening anxiety rolled over me and clung to body like heavy chains. This was it. I was on my way to adopt a six month old baby girl from Russia and I had to go. Yes, I had to....

What To Do When Your Life Is On Empty

When the winds of life blow hard and the waves rise higher it is tempting to become afraid. But no matter what the circumstances all around and deep within He is there. Yes, when life spins into crazy and you wonder what will happen next that is the very time to sink...

Where Are You Looking Today?

David knew his giant but his gaze didn’t stay there. No, he lifted his eyes to the Great Shepherd and called upon His Name. Oh, how many times We study our problems and analyze the situation. We weigh the odds and call our friends. But as David strode forward to face...

When Your Vision Gets Blurry

When the fog thickens and your body wearies when your hope  weakens and your vision fails it’s then that you’re tempted to make a bad decision. David experienced it and so have we. At the beginning of the journey when our hopes are so high we turn to the Lord....