Shining Moments

So how do you keep growing in a world of distractions and endless tasks? If you can only do one thing      keep reading. Growing up I was surrounded by books.    The shelves were high but not too high for my eyes to wander        and discover another gem that...

How Are You Growing?

Years ago I remember the excitement I felt when my Dad got out the yardstick and one by one measured how much my brothers and I had each grown. While everyone watched he placed a marker on our head, then drew a line with a pencil and wrote the date beside it. Giggles...

3 Steps To Growth

  Today I had the privilege of attending my first Leadshare group. It is a part of our local Chamber of Commerce. I was impressed with the variety of business leaders that were there. After a brief opening each person shared what they do and what leads they are...


  Seasons come and seasons go. That’s the nature of things. Fall,Winter, Spring and Summer. Each one has its own beauty. Each has something to teach us.  At an older season than my peers I adopted a tiny six month old baby girl from Russia. She filled my world...