How’s Your Soul?

It’s that missing piece, isn’t it? In a world that applauds activity and ‘doing’ .. In a world that praises accomplishments and meeting goals… and often gives us messages that we are human-doings… I’m left today with this question, “How is your soul?” ( referring to...

Running To Win

They couldn’t believe it. He was not expected to win. His style was ridiculed. His arms flailed widely, his head way back. But on that day on July 12, 1924 Eric Liddell astonished the crowd by winning the 400 m  race. When asked where the power came from Eric quietly...

What Is That To You?

Life races on. One day after another. Family. Work. Faith. Juggling and more juggling. Winter. Spring…. Glorious Spring. Patience. Peace… Uh peace? Was I really at peace? It is so easy to get overwhelmed by technology. At least for me. Checking this. Adding that....