by SharonBrani | Mar 24, 2021 | fear and anxiety, Inspirational, Life Coaching
Just the thought of going backwards makes me cringe. I’m a forward thinking gal. I don’t like losing time. But I see it better as a runner and it’s true in all of life. Sometimes, not all the time, but sometimes you must go...
by SharonBrani | Dec 14, 2017 | Adoption, Inspirational, Life Coaching, Parent Coaching
With a burst of excitement the long waited adoption of Jenny took off. Tickets were bought. Suitcases packed and before I knew it I was flying to Moscow. Looking back today many years later I marvel at how smoothly it all came together. But as always when it’s...
by SharonBrani | Jul 14, 2017 | Adoption, Inspirational, Life Coaching, Parent Coaching
It’s been one of those times lately when I’m aware that I’m on hold in the waiting room of life. I’ve prayed and prayed and prayed and there seems to be no answer. Day after day. Night after night. No seeming change. “God is faithful,” I say again. And down deep in my...
by SharonBrani | Nov 4, 2015 | Inspirational, Life Coaching, Uncategorized
It was an overcast November day as I remember it that somehow matched my mood so many years ago. Nothing seemed to be happening and that longing in my heart to have my own sweetly smelling little baby refused to be quieted. It seemed that wherever I turned women were...
by SharonBrani | Oct 10, 2013 | Inspirational, Life Coaching
Waiting is so painfully difficult. Praying, pleading for God to answer to do something anything To step in and give some small glimpse of His Glorious Presence and Mighty Power. But the sun sets on one more day without any sign or trace of hope. Nothing at all....