The Sun Always Shines

Yesterday was a beautiful day in Virginia. Sun shining. Flowers blooming. Warmer temperatures. Yes, it was definitely a take off your coat and throw open the windows day. I expected another day like yesterday. My plans were set. I even had in mind just what I would...

Dare To Believe

  Failure is not fatal. Do you believe that? It’s the courage to continue that is the most important. Winston Churchill said that and his words remind us today of the power of what we believe. No matter what we say, our beliefs are revealed by our actions. “You...

Distracted? Find Focus.

  Life can be so distracting. I get up with one plan in mind and before I know it the day has taken a completely different twist. A life of thriving turns quickly into one of survival. You have experienced it and so have I. So how do you keep your focus? How do you...

How Are You Growing?

Years ago I remember the excitement I felt when my Dad got out the yardstick and one by one measured how much my brothers and I had each grown. While everyone watched he placed a marker on our head, then drew a line with a pencil and wrote the date beside it. Giggles...

Celebrate Life

On November 19, 2011, families and adoption advocates will celebrate adoption in large communities and small throughout our nation. National Adoption Day is a day that holds special interest to me having adopted my two precious daughters from Russia. They have...